I’d love to tell you!


Thank you for considering doing business with me! Let me start off by saying— DO NOT price shop for your skin. 

Price should not be the motivator for your tattoo. I am showing this price list for people who ask me a lot to get a better understanding of how they should go about planning a tattoo session with ME, specifically. 

The image below roughly estimates the relationship between size of the tattoo and time it takes me to complete. You can print it out if it helps you! 

After years of tattooing, I have decided that working hourly suits me best and I have a commitment to being an affordable tattoo artist.

Every artist decides their own rates, and what feels right to them. Right now, these have been my prices since 2021 and it still feels good to me. 

I do not work for more than 4 hours per session, so if your tattoo project is big, we will have a budget conversation about the amount of sessions it would take. This chart illustrates tattoos that take me 4 hours or less in one session. 

Xoxo Adam